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Re: [AV Media Matters] Technical Question
try getting some adaptors to convert the bnc to rca and the balanced
audio to unbalanced rca.
>>> miriam+@pitt.edu 07/11 7:23 AM >>>
We recently managed to acquire a 3/4" deck. We don't have a
professional monitor to hook it up to, but we do have a tv with
audio and video inputs. Is there any way I can get this setup to
work? I have already connected the video and made an attempt,
though it may sound silly to some, to take the BNC video out and
connect it to the UHF on the tv as well. I just wanted to try
anything and everything with the hope I could get it to work
together. I don't think I would be able to purchase a monitor
unless it were really cheap. I would really like to make this
setup work if possible.
Any advice is welcome.
Moderators comment:
The cheap way to do this is to buy a RF converter which should be
available from a radio shack store - it will take your video and put
it on channel 3 or 4, and make it look like - well - UGH comes to
mind -but it will work and it is cheap.
Miriam Meislik,MLS
Associate Archivist
Photograph Curator
Archives of Industrial Society
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University of Pittsburgh
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(412)244-7075 voice
(412)244-7077 fax
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
--Steven Wright