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Re: [AV Media Matters] RV: Preservation of Dictaphone Record
There is another issue raided by the Dictation belt question.
The response from NYPL implies that this work is done there for
outside clients in competition with those of us paying unsubsidized
rent, etc.
This, it seems to me, is grossly unfair competition and, I feel,
should be illegal.
I'd appreciate hearing from others with thoughts on this matter.
Moderators Comment:
I am going to allow this post, but just barely. In fact if Steve had not
added the "I'd appreciate hearing from others with thoughts on this matter."
I would not have posted. Comments on individual situations is NOT fair game.
I suspect that there may be other on the list that "moonlight" - how or
where or what equipment anyone uses is not really our business on this
list - our purpose is to discuss AV Media Matters - not competition from Non
Profits. There are several non-profits that "compete" for business in this
field and compete in others as well. So let us not get personal here or I
fear I will not be able to post the comments.
>I've transferred sound from many dictabelts. You have to think of
>them kind of like large floppy cylinders. They turn much slower than
>a cylinder and the groove is lateral and much smaller than a
>cylinder groove. The sound quality is not that good but good
>enough for speaking. So if you need someone to transfer the sound
>out of a dictabelt and onto something more modern I can do it.
>Adrian Cosentini
>Chief Audio Engineer
>Rodgers & Hammerstein Archives
>40 Lincoln Center Plaza
>New York NY 10025
>>Hello ARSC members,
>>I am the Non-print Conservator for the Emory University libraries in
>>Atlanta Georgia. The other day one of the librarians brought me a pack
>>of Dictaphone belts. Does anyone know how to determine if their is
>>recorded information on the belts, will the recorded signal look like an
>>optical sound track? Are there any companies that can transfer the
>>recordings on the belts to a modern format?
>>If anyone has any information regarding dictaphone belts you can either
>>post the information or send it to me directly.