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[AV Media Matters] Sony VO-5800 U-Matic video cassette recorder
Content-Language: en-GBR
Dear All,
I'm one of the archivists for Unilever in the UK and I have hundreds of
U-Matic videos to watch. I have just been given a Sony VO-5800 U-Matic
video cassette recorder and I have the correct leads for the video out and
audio monitor ports, but I need a convertor or adaptor to enable me to
connect the recorder with a more recent video viewer (a GBI VT 20 model)
which of course only has the usual audio in-out and video in-out ports and
a Scart port.
I know that I can contact electrical equipment suppliers such as Maplin in
the UK to get what is required but can anyone offer advice about exactly
what I need.
Many thanks.
Gary Collins
Unilever PLC
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\uc1\pard\ulnone\f0\fs20 Dear All,\par
I'm one of the archivists for Unilever in the UK and I have hundreds of
U-Matic videos to watch. I have just been given a Sony VO-5800 U-Matic video
cassette recorder and I have the correct leads for the video out and audio
monitor ports, but I need a convertor or adaptor to enable me to connect the
recorder with a more recent video viewer (a GBI VT 20 model) which of course
only has the usual audio in-out and video in-out ports and a Scart port.\par
I know that I can contact electrical equipment suppliers such as Maplin in
the UK to get what is required but can anyone offer advice about exactly
what I need.\par
Many thanks.\par
Gary Collins\par
Unilever PLC\par