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RE: [AV Media Matters] Analogue vs digital tape stock

Hello Jeff,

We are currently making a product called "CD-R pro"  with the major
being the application of a "Hard Coat" protective layer, similar to that
used on
DVD media, rather than the standard lacquer coating applied to most CD-Rs.

At the last SMPTE committee meetings in Redondo Beach, CA, a spokesperson
JVC presented a new DVD based storage system they are marketing , along with
durability/reliability paper from our Optical Disc Specialist, Dan Goto, and
Koichi Sadashige presented NML's findings on the same subject,
the longevity of DVD media.

For information pertaining to those presentations, please contact SMPTE in
Plains, NY at (914) 761-1100 or email mhyman@smpte.org

Happy Holidays,

George McBride

jeffkreines@mindspring.com on 12/20/2000 05:32:56 PM

Please respond to AV-Media-Matters@topica.com

To:   AV Media Matters <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
cc:    (bcc: George McBride/Maxell)

Subject:  RE: [AV Media Matters] Analogue vs digital tape stock

Joseph Wrobel wrote:

>Media is about a buck a
>disc.  No hassles with playback compatibility.

But what about reliability for long-term storage?  CD-Rs are not well
known for their long-term keeping attributes.

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