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RE: [AV Media Matters] no Tape baking / leader tape problem

I wanted to add one more piece of anecdotal evidence.which could shed some
light on the leader tape issue.

The bulk of my personal archives of church and classical music (six albums
and countless concerts and services recorded at St. Thomas Church in New
York City as well as several years of a community orchestra on Long Island
and its related groups) are on Maxell UD35 and UD50 tape (mostly the former
for the time). One of the albums (and so far only one) -- but it happened
on both reels -- lost the first wrap of oxide to the leader. It appeared
that the oxide had bonded to the leader tape during storage (tapes always
wound tail out, play speed). When I did a fast rewind (I've learned my
lesson, my Sony APR5003V has a 75ips spool mode) the leader yanked the
oxide off the first wrap of tape. Fortunately, I had a high-quality
protection master, and have been able to edit in those first few seconds
from the protection master.

Since this is Maxell tape from the early-to-mid 70's I have not had any
need to bake these reels. There appears to be no sticky-shed in Maxell. In
fact, I switched to Maxell early on in my recording days from the early-mid
70's because of some damaged webs received from another manufacturer. It
was especially bad in one box, where the damage was the same place across
multiple reels. Fortunately, I had not precisely started my main and
protection tapes at exactly the right point and I was able to edit between
the two!

Thoughts on this would be appreciated. I believe the leader was 3M timing
leader...I've also seen some evidence of the plaid timing marks (mostly the
black variety although I have a little of the colored varaiety) imprinting
onto other layers of the leader tape.



Richard L. Hess                              richard@richardhess.com
Glendale, CA USA                           http://www.richardhess.com/
Web page: folk and church music, photography, and
                  broadcast engineering

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