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Re: [AV Media Matters] acetate tape binder
>I have also seen instructions from Kodak suggesting that film be temporarily
>stored in a seal can with a moistened blotter to soften the base and have
>some very old film cans that have a perforated compartment containing
>absorbent material built into the can.
>Mike Csontos
We have some of these cans as well.
Bob Curtis-Johnson
PS- Jim, any way to lighten the load on these ads? Short postings are
almost lost in the 3 or 4 blocks of promotional text accompanying them..
Moderators Comment:
No. This is under Topica control. What may make it more tolerable is to
remember that the revenue that these ads generate are donated to a needy
archival organization involved with AV Media - which reminds me - something
else I have to do - several of you volunteered to match the gift - I need to
follow through. Urgh... Hey Bob - are you one of those who are chipping in?
Alaska Moving Image Preservation Association
phone 907-279-8433
fax 907-276-0450