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Re: [AV Media Matters] Incubation services search

I wonder if Henry Wilhelm is up to the task. He seems to have
undertaken a huge amount of research on his own and published it. He
is impartial as I see his work. He specializes in photos but he
certainly has a deep understanding of the issues (at least to this
non-professional observer).



At 09:18 AM 03/08/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>From: Joseph J. Wrobel
>For decades the Kodak storage community has maintained their own incubation
>chambers for performing accelerated ageing of media and drives.  Due to
>personnel and space reductions, we are now considering outsourcing that
>function.  Can anyone recommend a reliable service company that runs
>samples through controlled custom temperature/humidity cycles?
>Joe Wrobel
>Eastman Kodak Company

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