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RE: [AV Media Matters] F1 format PCM tape deterioration

>No hard facts, but the one tape that I wanted (the safety
>copy of an album
>recorded at WFMT's Studios in Chicago in the early '80's) could not be
>transferred without some significant dropouts. In the end,
>the DAT copy I
>have of the F-1 sounds markedly inferior to the analog 15 ips Dolby A
>analog master. There was no question in my mind which was the
>master format for remastering.

I assume you the sound was inferior to the Dolby A master because the
dropouts and interpolation errors and not due to any perceived "analog VS
digital" issues.  My post was concerned strictly with the recovery of the F1
signals and trying to get confirmation that there is a general problem.

Charles Repka


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