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RE: [AV Media Matters] several new questions about digitalarchivingmethods

>So if you've had problems with the HHB CDR-800, which burner would you, Mr.
>Repka, recommend? And which do others prefer now?  I thought the HHB was
>considered nearly the best at this point?  Would a Tascam pro
>machine be better?
>Brian Levy

I can only comment on the machines with which I have had experience
or discs sent to me by clients.  I have had no experience with the
Tascam.  The new Sony machine is worth investigating.  I still
strongly urge making test burns using different brands of discs and
then having them tested for error rates.  This is the most important
factor to be concerned about.  I make all my masters using computer
type drives.  I used a Yamaha CDR100 until it died recently and now
use  a Plextor 8220.

Charles Repka

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