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Re: [AV Media Matters] MII Revisited

Mr. Lindner's comments reminded me that the M format was the first
professional videotape recorder developed by Panasonic.  Sony would
do anything to prevent the powerful Sumari company, Panasonic
(Matshusita), from getting a foothold in the professional video
field.  Ampex got caught in between these two Japanese giants.  As a
result, Ampex got D2, Sony got Betacam-SP and Panasonic got M2.  It
was very complicated and I would love to interview some of the
players in this episode.

Jim Wheeler

Moderators Comment:
Sort of depends on how you define "professional" - some of the Pani
machines go way back and several were designed for the
corporate/professional market - not "broadcast" as in networks per
se - but many were used in educational broadcasting stations on air
and in other places as well. Don't forget IVC as a main competitor
in this market segment too.

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