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Re: [AV Media Matters] reel-to-reel video tape
There may be a nearly un-compressed method - digitizing into a non-linear
editor, such as the Matrox Digisuite (actually lossless compression) and
back up to hard drive or some tape back-up. It would be very slow and
Joe Salerno
Video Works! Is it working for you?
PO Box 273405 - Houston TX 77277-3405
Fax: 603-415-7616
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Savage" <bsavage@stanford.edu>
To: "AV Media Matters" <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: [AV Media Matters] reel-to-reel video tape
>Hello, Bill,
>As far as the right place to ask your question, AV-Media-Matters is it.
>Unfortunately I would have to say that no "standards" exist for archival
>reformatting of video; the biggest sticking point being the lack of a
>wide-spread format that does not use compression. Your (unappealing) choices
>are to let the stock deteriorate without doing anything, or pick a format
>that uses compression. If you do choose to do something to save the video
>now, it might be a good idea to save the originals, in case a really good
>archival format appears, but I don't have high hopes that this will happen
>in the near future. I'll leave it to others on the list to offer specific
>suggestions as to which format you might settle on and why.
>I would recommend to you this website, however:
>http://paulmessier.com/videoid/ ; a very useful guide to the various video
>formats, which could help you be more specific when discussing your needs
>with a vendor.
>Best of luck,
>Bob Savage
>Media Preservation Unit
>Stanford University Libraries
>Moderators Comment:
>Yes this is a good site - it was put together by Paul and Sarah Stauderman
>who was with VidiPax at the time and has now joined the Smithsonian. Many of
>the pictures are from my collection of formats and equipment.