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Re: [AV Media Matters] non-linear editing systems: HELP!
We began teaching dv production this year using Apple's Final Cut with
considerable success. It's relatively accessible and inexpensive compared
to Avid and Media 100, the only others I have experience with. Apple is
also fairly supportive and offer various free workshops and new product
launches which I have found helpful. You can sign up for announcements
concerning both free and fee workshops in your area throughout the year @
This address was to unsubscribe but hopefully you can subscribe here as
well. There are a number of seminars being offered this month. I have the
Canadian dates but I'm not sure where you are writing from. I think you're
in the U.S.
>I work for a small university media center. I am looking
>to put together a dv-based non-linear system. I was wondering
>if anyone had any suggestions for good video-capture cards, good
>systems, or even any good companies that can help me put together
>a decent system. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rob Macmorine
Niagara Indie FilmFest
Brock University
500 Glenridge Ave.
St. Catharines, On
L2S 3A1
(905) 688-5550 ext. 3998
NIFF - Niagara's NEW Short Film and Video Festival
For event listings visit: www.niagaraindiefilmfest.org