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RE: [AV Media Matters] Video studio floor
gerardk@naa.gov.au wrote:
> We are about to fit-out a new video studio and are unsure about the
> floor.
> We are looking at either - Industrial heavy duty lint free synthetic
> carpet,
> or, Vinyl (heavy duty linoleum) with heavy impact rubber safety mats.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Gerard Kleist
> Preservation Services
> National Archives of Australia
> Locked Bag 4 120 Miller Road
> Chester Hill NSW 2162 Chester Hill NSW 2162
> Telephone: 02 9645 0144
> Facsimile: 02 9645 0108
> Email: gerardk@naa.gov.au
> Internet: <<http://www.naa.gov.au/>>
It is unclear from your email whether this is a video studio where shows
are recorded (i.e. cameras and talent and sets) or a "studio" where
tapes are duplicated or transferred or where post-production is done (or
any combination of the above).
For a post-production or transfer type studio I strongly recommend
raised computer flooring. There are many reasons for it, but basically
it allows tremendous flexability at a very reasonable price, and allows
you to easily add or modify the facility. In certain facility design the
space beneath the floor can be an air conditoning plenum which has
definate advantages in that you can easily direct the cold air where you
need it. Of course having the wires there is the whole idea - the
alternative of wire chases is never as satisfactory over the long run. I
have seen some chases so big that eventually they had to be cut out with
a chain saw (no kidding - this is true). There are several types of tile
that you can purchase for a raised flooring system. It is now very
common for entire floors of buildings to have raised flooring, so there
are many architectural systems - and the choice of material for the
floor tiles is almost limitless. There is static free carpet in all
sorts of designer colors and patterns and of course tile which is my
preferance - although it does provide some sonic challenges. The area
beneath the floor also causes sound issues in a number of ways -
particularly in the transmission and amplification of any vibration - so
this has to be taken carefully into account. I built a facility once and
the biggest problem in the facility was that the air handler which was
NOT mounted on the computer floor, but was sitting on the concrete
sub-floor created a great deal of noise. We could not get rid of it.
Eventually we used some sound foam, and also made sure that there was no
contact between the air handler and the floor, and it mitigated it
somewhat - but that was a very expensive lesson to learn. I cannot
recommend carpet in a facility that is designed to be a "clean" facility
- all carpet - even short pile becomes a dirt trap that eventually gets
into your media - but if this is a multi use studio then this is
probably not a major issue.
If this studio is a studio where there are camera and talent - a raised
floor will not work for several reasons, one of which the bumps that the
dollys will have when they go over a seam. Not subtle - the picture goes
bump..... Generally studios of this sort have an underlayment that is
glued to the foundation (assuming this is a ground floor) concrete slab,
and then have a seamless flooring or a tile flooring that can be easily
maintained (and ripped up). Vinyl flooring is a good choice depending on
the specific product - you don't want anything that needs waxing.
You may want to consider a consultant for your project - a good
consultant can save you a great deal more then their fee by getting it
right the first time. Getting studios "right" is definately not easy -
it takes experience. Sometimes it is so wrong that you have to rip the
whole place apart to the bare walls and start from scratch. A very
expensive proposition.
James Lindner
Moderator: AV Media Matters Listserve
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