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Re: [AV Media Matters] DVD as Storage Medium

Mitsui Gold CD/DVD will survive for many decades but the retrieval
system will be obsolete in a few years.

Most people would agree with Jim.

What a sad situation. The endless obsolescence problem is well
known, unfortunately the solution seems to be unknown.

It's obvious that manufacturers will not provide a solution. They
are "for profit" entities and are driven by the profit motive to
sell new products, not providing access to AV on obsolete media.

I think at some point, Governments will have to get involved, as
many have to preserve and provide long term access to their
Countries Census records.

Russ Burkel

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:03:04 EST Jim Wheeler <Jimwheeler@aol.com>
> Lisa
> The Mitsui Gold is the best CD/DVD for long-term storage.  If you store
> Mitsui Golds at normal room environment, I believe they will survive for
> many decades.  They will probably outlast the equipment which will be
> obsolete in a few years.  I have ten year old 5 inch floppies but no way to
> play them.
> A cool/dry environment is always preferred for archival material. But for
> Mitsui Golds, I believe any reasonable room environment will be okay.
> A potential problem is that of Interchange.  Make sure that your CD-Rs and
> DVD-Rs will play on machine made by other manufacturers.
> Jim Wheeler

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