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Re: [AV Media Matters] SOS

I watched the show, too, Steve.

I thought it interesting, but I did not appreciate the steps that were taken with the old Leadbelly tapes. There was no mention of checking for proper azimuth nor for checking the track format. I'm not sure what heads the Nagra had in it, but many of these are full-track, and azimuth at 7-1/2 and full track is a big concern.

I thought it irresponsible to continue peeling oxide off a tape when perhaps some treatment--be it the "Grandfather Clock" approach of the British Library, or Peter Brothers' chilling technique, or whatever, might be applied to save that and other tapes.

I'm glad that the LOC and the Smithsonian can afford to digitize 24/96 and keep the audio on multiple large servers. That certainly is not economical (or perhaps even prudent) for smaller archives in my opinion.

They certainly covered a lot and I think that if nothing else, the show serves well as a clarion call to preserve what we have. Each doing his/her own little corner of it. Right now my little corner seems to be oral histories and band organs!



At 12:46 PM 12/27/2002 -0500, you wrote:
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Many of us watched the "Save Our Sounds" program on the History Channel last night.
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