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Re: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-ReallyBigPost
Jim and the list,
I thought I should clarify my post a little.
Yes, we are inquiring about both the archival and the distribution
systems. We would like to have options for the ideal archival situation
well as one that is not so perfect but acceptable. I think the biggest
issue is the video. We also aren't sure just how to approach this issue
since no one on the team has ever dealt with it before.
We would appreciate any help or opinions that we can get at this point
any of the issues.
Jim Wheeler wrote:
> Miriam
> I have difficulty understanding exactly what you want. It appears
> you
> are asking about two systems--one for archiving and one for
> distribution.
> Those are two totally different worlds.
> Jim Wheeler
> =
Miriam Meislik
Associate Archivist
Photograph Curator
Archives of Industrial Society
7500 Thomas Blvd.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
(412)244-7075 voice
(412)244-7077 fax
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
--Steven Wright
When your mouth drops open, click the shutter
--Harold Feinstein, November 11, 2001
Photography does not create eternity. . . it embalms time,
rescuing it simply from its proper corruption.
--Andr=E9 Bazin (1918=961958)
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