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Re: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-Really BigPost


Well, you've hit many of the high points all right! I am going to lay out for now and see what others with more background in archiving have to say, but I may chime in at some point...

-- Eric Wenocur
Lab Tech Systems

Miriam Meislik wrote:

We are about to embark on a sizable audio and video digitization
project. At this time we are just trying to figure out which direction
we need to go. Our goal is to create good quality digital archival
masters and then web usable surrogates.  The pool we will be selecting
from includes 550 audio tapes (cassette and micro-cassette) and 575
video (VHS, 3/4-inch, and BetaSP).  Although we know that only a small
portion will be selected for digitization, we are still reviewing the
content to aid our selection for digitization.  The clips we'll be
digitizing can vary widely, from 1 minute to maybe an hour (although
bulk probably in the 5-20 minute range).

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