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RE: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-ReallyBigPost
> More on the matter:
> I just spent a ferry ride back home discussing BU with an IT "guru"
> type. He seems to think tape is the way to go, agrees that CDs are
> really not a good idea; hard discs lose their magnetism over time
> unless they are spinning.
I don't know of any good reason why a hard disc should loose it's magnetism depending on if it is spinning or not. If fact, it sounds like nonsense to me.
> Since people are moving to super DLT, he suggests good deals
> are to be
> had on e-bay. The reliability of DLT vs. SDLT is apparently the same.
Do you really what to archive something using used gear bought from e-bay? I wouldn't.
> As for my dislike of tape drop outs, apparently computer data
> tapes are
> written with redundancies; there are also ways you can encode
> the file
> previous to storing it to tape to further minimize chances of
> data loss
> due to drop outs, etc. I believe he suggested Reed-Solomon
> which I have found some info on here:
Reed Solomon coding is used in all forms of data recording, including hard crives and CD's.
> He suggests restoring the tapes every 5 years or so (stored
> in climate
> controlled environment), and if all is OK, then shelve it again for
> while and re-test. If there is a problem, keep working at
> restoring it,
> and once you have the data (hopefully), do a new back-up.
Proper storage is probably the most important thing you can do.
Charles Repka
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