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[AV Media Matters] AV preservation
I suggest the attached technology neutral ISO "Life expectancy" standard
be considered in the ongoing Digital AV Archive debate.
Russ Burkel
These ANSI standards are in reality ISO standards. ANSI IT 9.13 has
given a designation of ISO 18913 but is not yet published as best I can
tell. However, ISO 18901-2000 has been published and states the
definitions the same way as below.
You can find these at:
Clearly, the intention of the term Life Expectancy is to define the
of time that a system can provide access to the information. I would
that to mean it includes media, software, hardware or whatever else is
required to be able to "access" the information. By the way, it also
into account environmental and enclosure characteristics as well. For
instance, storing film in a moist warm bacteria ridden room is
to storing magnetic tapes or diskettes next to a magnet or CDs in an
environment that breaks down the chemical structure. The significant
of the attached was that paper and film by being human decipherable
analog form
do not have as many systems issues for determining retrievability.
Robert Breslawski
Eastman Kodak Research Laboratories
Email: robert.breslawski@kodak.com
Phone: (585) 477-6771
Cell Phone (585) 781-4551
Fax: (585) 588-9717
> ANSI / NAPM IT 9.13-1996 for imaging materials.
> 2.21 life expectancy (LE): The length of time that information is
> predicted to be retrievable in a system under extended term storage
> conditions.
> 2.22 LE designation: A rating for the "life expectancy" of recording
> materials and associated retrieval systems. The number
> following the LE
> symbol is a prediction of the minimum life expectancy in
> years for which
> information can be retrieved in a system without a
> significant loss when
> stored under extended term conditions. e.g., LE 100 indicates that
> information can be retrieved after at least 100 years of storage.
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