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Silicon Valley Chapter Seminar featuring John Montana 03/24/1998

The ARMA Silicon Valley Chapter invites you to join us at a half day seminar
on Tuesday, March 24, 1998, from 8:15 a.m. -  12:30 p.m. featuring John
Monta�a. Seating is limited; reservations are required, and *needed* by March
18, 1998.  CRM's, this seminar qualifies for 4 hours of Certification
Maintenance Credit.   The directions follow the reservation information. 

Seminar Announcement

ARMA, Silicon Valley Chapter, presents a half day seminar with Mr. John
Monta�a entitled,*Legal Issues:  E-Mail, EDI and Other Technologies*

The advent of computers, the Internet and paperless information technologies
has transformed both business and government information management practices.
This transformation has strong legal significance - in the past, our legal
system often assumed the existence of paper documents.  Thus, for these
drastic changes to work effectively, the legal system has had to change with

In the regulatory arena, many agencies have begun to realize that information
received as part of a required reporting process can be much more effectively
managed and utilized when received in electronic format.  A corollary of this
has been the development of law regarding electronic signatures and signature
substitutes.  Many required information submissions require a signature or
other certification of authenticity and accuracy; elimination of paper
submissions has thus raised the issue of how a certification might be

This session examines the state of American law concerning E-Mail, EDI and
other paperless technologies, and looks at recent changes, which affect or
expedite their use.  The attendee will understand the legal issues that face
paperless technologies, and recent legal developments, statute, regulations,
court decisions, and other authorities that address these issues.

Our speaker, John Monta�a, was Associate Editor and Staff Attorney at
Information Requirements Clearinghouse, working with Donald Skupsky for the
past seven years.  He has since opened his own firm, and continues in the
records and information management field as a consultant on retention
scheduling, legality of advanced technologies and other information management
related legal issues.  He is a contributing editor to Records Management
Quarterly, an active author to various A.R.M.A. chapter newsletters and other
publications, as well as being an active attorney in Colorado courts, dealing
with a varied civil and criminal caseload.  He holds a B. S. in Geology from
Metropolitan State College of Denver and a. J. D. from the University of
Denver.  In addition to being an active member and speaker in A.R.M.A, he is a
member of the American and Colorado Bar Associations.

Program Date:  Tuesday, March 24, 1998

Time             :  8:15 - 8:45 a.m.  Registration and Continental Breakfast
                       8:45 - 9:00 a.m.  Introductions - Michael Goode,
                       7:00 - 8:00 pm  Program: *Legal Issues:
                                                                 E-Mail, EDI
and Other Technologies*

Location        :  Roche Bioscience
                         3401 Hillview Avenue - Building A-2
                         Palo Alto, CA 94304

Complete the reservation form below and either e-mail sender,  Beverly Kline
(LownB@aol.com), or fax to Tony McGilton at 408.983.0295. Payment is accepted
at the door, however *Reservations are required and seating is limited; no-
shows will be billed.  24 hour notice must be given for cancellations to avoid
billing*.  If you pay by check, please make your checks payable to ARMA
Silicon Valley Chapter. Cut off date for reservations is March 18, 1998.  If
you should have any questions, please contact Tony McGilton at 408.292.7128.  


     Name  __________________________________________________

     Company  _______________________________________________

     Address  _______________________________________________

     City  ___________________________ State _____ Zip ______

     Telephone  ______________________ Fax __________________

     E-mail address ______________________

     ARMA Member  Yes______  No_______

     Are you a Certified Records Manager (CRM)  Yes_____  No ______

     Is this your first ARMA event?  Yes______  No_______


Note:  Contributions or gifts to the Association of Records Managers and
Administrators, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for U.S.
tax purposes.

Meeting location and directions:

Roche Bioscience
3401 Hillview Avenue - Building A-2
Palo Alto, CA 94304

>From Hwy 101, exit Oregon Expressway.  Travel in a westerly direction,
approximately 4 miles, to Foothill Expressway.  Turn left onto Foothill.  At
the next traffic light, turn right onto Hillview Avenue.   The Roche
Bioscience campus is on the left-hand side of the street.  The lecture hall is
known as building A-2.

>From Hwy #280, exit at Page Mill Road and travel in an easterly direction,
approximately 1 mile, to Foothill Expressway. Turn right onto Foothill. At the
next traffic light, turn right onto Hillview Avenue. The Roche Bioscience
campus is on the left-hand side of the street.  The lecture hall is known as
building A-2.

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