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another commercial records center fire!

FYI- fwd from REC MGMT listserv by Beverly Kline, City of Palo Alto,
apologies for any duplication

Date:	98-06-19 07:14:15 EDT
From:	RSRichards@AOL.COM (Steve Richards)
A fire of suspicous origin occured at the McGavock Street location of
Richards & Richards, a commercial records storage company in
Nashville, Tennessee.  The  first and most important fact is that no one
was hurt in the blaze.  The fire  was confined to the second floor of the
facility which had approximately 25,000 cubic feet of records stored on
that floor.  The fire destroyed approximately 10,000 cubic feet of
The fire started in an adjacent empty shed.  The shed was recently
damaged  during the April tornado and was scheduled for destruction. 
There was no  power to the shed and it is believed that vagrants started
the fire.
The first and third floors of the facility sustained no fire damage.  The
first floor sustained water and smoke damage, the third floor sustained
only smoke damage.
A disaster recovery company was notified within 30 minutes of the
alarm and  will be in place this morning.  The Richards & Richards
Disaster Recovery Team  is in the process of notifying each of the
 We are also very greatful that the Nashville Fire Department responded
as they  did.  A records center fire is a difficult fire to fight.  They did
their job very well.
 We are extremely greatful that there was no loss of life.  We appreciate
the calls and prayers being offered on our behalf and will keep you
Steve Richards
Richards & Richards
Nashville, TN
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