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Burmese Gongs

 I hope that there is still a list out there and that I may ask the followng
 question of its users.

 At the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, one of our Research students is
 interested to find out all that she can about the materials used to suspend
 Burmese metal gongs from their frames up to and including the nineteenth
 century.  Does anyone in the list have, or know of, material like this and
 does it have its nineteenth century (or "original") suspension cord?  If
 you do have an object with its 19.c. materials still extant please could
 you let me know what the materials are?  It would also be interesting to
 know the dimensions of the gong and its stand.  Also we would be interested
 to know who collected the object as well as where it came from in Burma.

 He'le`ne La Rue
 Pitt Rivers Museum
 University of Oxford

Scott Odell <mah0c01@sivm.si.edu>

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