MICAT-L - Subject Thread Index for 1994

Last updated: Fri Sep 20 20:01:31 GMT 2002
101 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • No Subject, David Van Zandt
  • Info on violin, M Chen
  • American Theater Organ Society (fwd), Cary Karp
  • ICOM archive sites, Cary Karp
  • Burmese Gongs, Scott Odell H. La Ruepitt@vax.ox.ac.uk>
  • CIMCIM Training Survey, Bob Barclay
  • Administrative reminder, Cary Karp
  • Re: Conservation of Papua New..., Craig Deller
  • Bow restoration, Burt Feintuch
  • Conservation of Papua New Guinea flute, Jeremy Montagu
  • Re: Bob Barclay's questions, Albert R Rice
  • Woodwind Shrinkage, Scott Hirsch
  • Lurkers, Scott Odell
  • Conservation training, David Van Zandt
  • Moderation, Bob Barclay at the Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, Canada
  • The CIMCIM Bibliography, Bob Barclay
  • Old questions, Scott Odell
  • Improved service, Cary Karp
  • Lost message, Jackie Long
  • Tortoiseshell, Geo Kloppel
  • Labeling and marking objects (fwd), Cary Karp
  • Re: GAMELAN.TXT, Cary Karp
  • List usage, Cary Karp
  • Gamelan conservation, Sam Quigley
  • Is the list live?, Joshua Proschan
  • SI press release, Cary Karp
  • Old oilers, Cary Karp
  • Modelling instruments, Jackie Long
  • Re: Archives, Cary Karp
  • Euler clarinet and preservation, Al Rice
  • Re: iron stain, dying wood, Joshua Proschan
  • The moderators' tasks, Cary Karp
  • Oiling winds, Jim McGill
  • safety with chemicals, David Van Zandt
  • Re: Hazardous substances, Dana S Emery
  • Re: Nitric fumes, Dana S Emery
  • Re: Wood stains, Geo Kloppel
  • Iron Staining, David Van Zandt
  • Status report and clarinets, Cary Karp
  • wood stains; clarinets, Joshua Proschan
  • Re: Old fiddle finishes?, Geo Kloppel
  • Old keyed fiddle finishes?, Jonathan Yuen
  • It ain't broke!, Geo Kloppel
  • Resource conservation, Geo Kloppel
  • Re: profesional ethics of conservation, Dana S Emery
  • Restoration as compromise, Geo Kloppel
  • intro, Geo Kloppel
  • Status report, Cary Karp
  • A Lurker and his Cornetto, Thomas M. Potter
  • Presentation, Barry O'Neill
  • Introduction, homo obsolescensis
  • The MICAT-L archives, Cary Karp
  • Euler clarinets, Gerry Evoniuk
  • Partial Disclosure, John Dohrmann
  • Who's who?, John Warburton
  • Weekend update, Cary Karp
  • woodworm query, jmontagu
  • Classical Guitar Maker Info, Andreas Falley
  • Conservation: To what end?, Scott Odell
  • Re: shedding of veils, Jim McGill
  • greetings, Jeremy Montagu
  • Conservation to what end?, Dwight A. Newton
  • Welcome to MICAT-L, Cary Karp

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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