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conservation librarian -- correction

An earlier announcement of this position failed to mention qualifications.
This edition of the job ad includes the required qualifications.

LEXINGTON, KY  40506-0039
August 8, 1997

Position:        Conservation Librarian

Available:       Review of applications to begin September 8, 1997 until 
                 position is filled.

Description:     The Conservation Librarian will supervise the conservation
                 services at the University of Kentucky Libraries.  The 
                 position will be based in the Conservation Lab in the new 
                 W. T. Young Library and will report to the Preservation
                 Librarian.  The Preservation Program at the University of
                 Kentucky comprises three areas: conservation services, 
                 binding services and reprographics.  Primary 
                 ¨ Direct the conservation services program for the UK 
                   Library system.  This includes conservation and restoration 
                   services for special collections and archives materials as
                   well as the book repair, in-house binding, box making, and
                   restoration for circulating collections.
                 ¨ Hire, train, supervise and evaluate 3-4 students and 1
                   Graduate Assistant in Library Science.
                 ¨ Work with Service Centers to set up preservation 
                   facilities and services that work cooperatively with the
                   Young Conservation Lab.
                 ¨ Monitor supplies budget, order supplies, maintain equip-
                   ment, oversee the management of the Conservation Lab.
                 ¨ Supervise the use of the freeze-dryer by Gifts and 
                   Exchange, Special Collections and Archives and other
                 ¨ Train staff and students in Young Library and at other 
                   service centers on conservation techniques.
                 ¨ Perform high-level conservation and restoration services.
                   This would constitute 40% of the Conservation Librarian?s
                 Assist the Preservation Librarian with these additional 
                 ¨ Disaster Planning (writing and updating a plan; training)
                   and disaster recovery.
                 ¨ Work with Subject Teams and Collection Development 
                   Librarian to further develop existing procedures for 
                   selection for conservation treatment: restoration, repair,
                   binding, replacement, reformatting.
                 ¨ Grant writing/fund raising.
                 ¨ Sit on library teams and task forces.
                 ¨ ARL Preservation Statistics.
                 ¨ Provide reference service/document delivery on 
                   preservation related topics to UK and non-UK customers.
                 ¨ Perform collection surveys of book and non-book 
                 ¨ Environmental monitoring of Young Library and other 
                   service centers.  Follow-up to improve conditions when
                 ¨ Preservation awareness education and orientation for staff
                   and library users.  Hold workshops and seminars for staff.
                 ¨ Actively represent UK in  local and national preservation 
                   efforts through participation in conferences and 
                   professional forums.  Participate in cooperative 
                   preservation programming particularly at the regional and
                   state level.

Qualifications:  Required: ¨A master?s degree in Library Science from an ALA
                 accredited library school and at least 2 years of experience
                 in the conservation of books manuscripts, maps and other li-
                 brary and archival materials excluding photographic media.  
                 Portfolio of work is required at interview. ¨Completion of  
                 a documented apprenticeship program in conservation may 
                 substitute for the required two years of experience. 
                 Portfolio of work is required. ¨Experience or demonstrated
                 aptitude in training conservation principles and techniques.
                 ¨Experience with large scale conservation and preservation
                 programs and surveys. ¨Ability to work with minimal super-
                 vision. ¨Outstanding verbal and written communication and 
                 leadership skills. 

Salary:          $27,500 - $30,000

Benefits:        Faculty rank, 12 month appointment, 22 days annual vacation.
                 TIAA/CREF, Fidelity, and Twentieth Century Annuity plans. 

Library:         The University of Kentucky Libraries consists of
                 a main library and 12 branches.  Combined

                 holdings total more than 2.6 million volumes.
                 The System has a staff of 65 librarians and
                 121 support staff and serves a student body of
                 24,000.  The Library is a member of ARL, SOLINET
                 and the Center for Research Libraries.  A new 350,000 sf
                 building will open in January, 1998.
To Apply:        Send letter of application, resume and names of 
                 three references to:

                     Ann S. Howell
                     Administrative Assistant for Personnel
                     University of Kentucky Libraries
                     Lexington, KY  40506-0039
                     FAX (606) 257-8379


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