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Re: pressure-sensitive labels within the textblock

On Tue, 18 Nov 1997, Wes Boomgaarden wrote:
>   But now we're getting closer to that label-versus-pencil approach, a much
> bigger and more difficult onion to peel.
>   However, I did hear from Julie Page that UCSD places a barcode label in
> the book textblock, I think on the titlepage.  
>   Ah, you pays your money, you takes your choice. 

I've been interested in this discussion, since I expect to have to peel
this particular "onion" fairly soon. (Right now we're just trying to get
in-process tracking to work, but that's another story.)

We do apply a bar code label to the textblock; the practice is too new
here for me to say anything about possible damage over the long term.  Our
Serials Dept. uses an Avery-type check-in label for periodical issues. I
don't have any experience with the foil-backed labels.

I recognize that using call number labels within the book offers
advantages in terms of time, labor, and accuracy. But I can see us
exchanging e-mail in a few years about possible solutions to the damage
done by the labels... 
Sara R. Williams			Phone:  (303) 492-3849
Head, Preservation Department		FAX: (303) 492-0494
University Libraries			Sara.Williams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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University of Colorado - Boulder
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