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RE: Using Kodak Photo CD Technology for Preservation and Access -Reply

I was surprised to read here that Kodak was "dropping the Photo CD technology." So, I asked a working
contact at Kodak who works with such media and asked if there were substance to the rumor.  His response

"Although Kodak is considering a number of additional modalities for delivering digitized imagery to its
customers, there are no plans to discontinue Photo CD service.  Ultimately, of course, customer demand will
determine the future availability of any Kodak product or service.

"And, of course, we're still in the CD-R media business as well."

If you have more information to the contrary I would be willing in following it up further, if someone can
give me a lead.

Gerald Gibson
Audio and Moving-image Preservation 
Preservation Research and Testing Division
Library of Congress
(202) 707-1055 = Phone
(202) 707-6449 = FAX

>>> Henry Grunder <hgrunder@xxxxxxxx> 06/30/98 08:34am >>>
This is especially interesting in light of the unnoticed  bombshell at the recent AIC (Alexandria) meeting; the
aside  in one of the papers that Kodak is dropping the Photo CD  technology.
Henry Grunder
The Library of Virginia
Richmond, VA 23219-1905 hgrunder@xxxxxxxx

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