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Re: barcode placement

While I thoroughly agree with Janet Gertz that there is no good place to
put a barcode, if it MUST be attached directly to the book I would opt for
inside the back board. 

We have had to remove a number of barcodes that were applied to special
collections materials by mistake or from general stacks books that were
transferred to special collections. Removing stickies from the outside of
covers almost always leaves some scarring, varying in degree depending on
the cover material, the adhesive, and the skill of the conservator. While
scarring is likely also when a barcode is removed from inside the back
board, at least it is usually less visible and obtrusive. 

Shannon Zachary, Head			E-mail:	szachary@xxxxxxxxx
Conservation Services			Phone:	734/763-6980
University of Michigan Library		Fax:	734/763-7886
837 Greene St. / 3202 Buhr Bldg.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1048

On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Andrew Hart wrote:

> I have been discussing barcoding practices with our catalogers recently
> and could use some feedback from this list.  In particular, we are
> concerned about barcoding fragile and/or medium-rare materials -- the
> stuff that doesn't merit transfer to special collections, but still has
> some artifactual value.  When fragile or valuable materials are in
> enclosures we barcode the enclosure rather than the book or pamphlet. 
> Materials without enclosures, such as a 19th century volume that is
> brittle but otherwise in good shape, are more difficult to deal with. 
> In 1990 Janet Gertz posted a message to the DistList that probably
> provides the most common response:  "Frankly, I dont know of a good place
> for a barcode." All the same, I am interested in hearing if other
> libraries place barcodes on brittle, fragile, or valuable materials in
> general collections and, if so, where. 
> Andy.
> ==================================================
>  Andrew Hart, Preservation Librarian
>  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>  CB#3918, Davis Library
>  Chapel Hill, NC 27514
>  tel: (919) 962-8047
>  fax: (919) 962-4450
>  email: ashart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ==================================================

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