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Re: PARS Nominating committee

Julian.  Here is what I have from my PARS Nominating notes.  I didn't get
the sense that any of the NO's would be a YES even if you wait a year and
call again.

For Vice Chair/Chair I called the folks below in the following order:

        Robin Dale  (NO)
        Lee Dirks  (YES)
        Carol Ungar  (NO)
        Jennifer Banks  (NO)
        Susan Blaine  (NO)
        Julie Page  (NO)
        Jill Rawnsley  (YES)

For Member-at-Large:

        Debra McKern  (YES)
        Regina Sinclair  (NO)
        Julie Arnott  (YES)
        Charlotte Brown (out of town, never called)
        Brian Baird  (never called)

For Secretary:

        Joan Gatewood  (YES)
        Andres Hart  (YES)


        At 08:13 AM 6/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear PARS Members,
>During the upcoming ALA conference, the nominating committee will be
>soliciting nominations and/or volunteers for two elected positions:
>        Vice-Chair/Chair Elect (1999-02)
>        Member-at-Large (1999-02)
>Please let any of the committee members know if you have someone in mind or
>are interested in serving on these very important positions.  We will all be
>available at PADG on Saturday morning, but please feel free to contact any
>of us at ALA, or via email after the conference.  We need to report the
>slate to ALCTS on October 15.
>Thank you all for your help.
>Julian Stam, Harvard College Library
>        jstam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Ann Swartzell, Harvard University
>        swartzel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Susan Tucker, Yale University
>        susan_tucker@xxxxxxxx

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