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Midwinter Tour Opportunity to Princeton Preservation Office


The last time ALA Midwinter was in Philadelphia there was a BIG SNOW STORM.
The day before that happened, however, Princeton University Library hosted a
tour of its Preservation Office and conservation lab.  We bussed folk from
Philly to Princeton early in the morning, conducted a tour which included a
late-in-the-day side trip to Special Collections for those souls so willing,
a sit-down lunch at the faculty club, and a late afternoon busride back to
Philly.  An all-day affair, to be sure.

I would like to inquire whether there are hardy ALA-bound souls among you
who missed this event the first time around who would be now interested in
the opportunity again.  Redux.

I would like to hear from you onlist or off.  I would also like to know what
you believe to be the best day for you to attend the tour.  If I get enough
response (say 12- 15 or more folk)  and a mutually agreeable day works out
for all involved, I will then make the arrangements.  The drill will be
similar to that described above, with the exception of a box lunch, rather
than a hot meal.  Sorry, economy rules.

This offer is made in the same spirit as the first event:  I am proud of our
preservation/conservation program and I like to show it off, but we are
slightly off the beaten track.  

Look forward to hearing from you, one way or another.

Robert Milevski
Robert J. Milevski
Preservation Librarian
Princeton University Library
One Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544
609-258-5591; fax: 609-258-4105
email: milevski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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