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Re: preservation posters

>  _Promoting Preservation Awareness_ has an appendix on graphic design
> considerations which use a variety of book marks from various places as
> examples.

> On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, rpilette wrote:
> >      Hello,
> >        I am trying to find out who has, currently available, posters on the
> >      topic of preservation.  I know over the years a number of libraries
> >      have produced such things.  I would love to know:
> >        *who has them,
> >        *what topics they cover,
> >        *how much they cost,
> >        *is there somewhere to see what the images look like before buying
> >      and finally,
> >        *how to order.
> >
> >      Thanks.
> >
> >      Bobbie Pilette
> >      Preservation Division
> >      New York Public Library
> >
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Lorraine Olley                          olley@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Head, Preservation Department           812/855-6281
> Main Library E050                       812/855-2576 (fax)
> Indiana University                      http://www.indiana.edu/~libpres
> Bloomington IN 47405

Jeanne Drewes
Head, Preservation Department
MSE Library
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218

410 516 5486
410 516 4355 fax

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