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RE: CD-ROM longevity

Just happened to be looking at Douglas A. Kranch's article "Beyond 
Migration: Preserving Electronic Documents with Digital Tablets" in 
the Sept. 1, 1998 issue of Information Technology and Libraries where 
there is a table from the National Media Laboratory concerning CD-ROM 
life expectancy.  His citation is John W.C. VanBogart, "Archival 
Stability of Digital Storage Media," Section 11 in NML Storage 
Technology Assesment, Final Report. URL 
http://www.nml.org/Publications/Technical Reports/Technology 
1994.  I haven't tried this URL, and there may be more current 
information available now.

Hope this helps,


Hi, All:  Can anyone give me THE authoritive citation/source on the question
of CD-ROM longevity?


Joan L. Buntzen
Librarian of the Navy
Office of the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer
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Email: buntzen.joan@xxxxxxxxxxx

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