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LAMA to sponsor preconference on library storage facilities

**** Deadline for Advance registration is May 21 ****

"If The Book Doesn't Fit*Managing a Library Storage Facility"
presented by the Library Administration and Management Association
Buildings and Equipment Section, Buildings for College and University
Libraries Committee and the Library Storage Discussion Group, will be
held on Friday June 25, as a preconference to the American Library
Association Annual Conference in New Orleans.  The registration
deadline is May 21.

Many academic libraries and large public library systems have found
their collections bursting the seams of their traditional library
buildings. In many cases, funding agencies are unwilling to add to
existing buildings or build new library space on expensive, central
property. Across the country, libraries have turned to storage
facilities to relieve the space pressures in the stacks. An
experienced panel of speakers will present practical information on
managing a library storage facility once it is built.

This preconference will focus on topics to assist the manager in
planning operations, working with consortiums or stand-alone
institutions, and carrying out the functions of a storage facility. In
the afternoon, participants will work in organized discussion groups
with the speakers and other experienced leaders to identify
alternatives and discuss best practices in specific areas of

The faculty includes:  Linda Chase, Assistant University Librarian
for Collection Services, American University; Donald Kelsey, Library
Facilities Planning Officer, University of Minnesota; Curtis Kendrick,
Director, Access Services, Columbia University Libraries; Catherine
Murray-Rust, Director of Campus Delivery, Project 2000/Associate
University Librarian, Cornell University; Lizanne Payne, Executive
Director, Washington Research Library Consortium; Gloria Stockton,
President, Stockton Associates.

To register online, visit
download and complete the form.  Registration fees are $155 for LAMA
members; $205 for ALA members; $225 for non-ALA members.  Completed
registration form with payment (credit card or check) should be sent
to:  American Library Association, Dept. #77-6565, Chicago, IL
60678-6565; or fax (credit card only) completed form to 312-944-7841. 
Whether mailed or faxed, forms should be sent only once to avoid
duplication.  For more information, contact Yvonne A. McLean at
or 312/280-5032. 

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