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Re: OPC Symposium

Joan -- I'd like to go to this.  It seems well rounded and very interesting. --P

At 12:14 PM 8/24/99 -0900, you wrote:
>A Symposium sponsored by the Ohio Preservation Council and the State Library
>of Ohio, featuring two slide presentations and a workshop with Randy
>Silverman, Preservation Librarian at the University of Utah.
>Date:   Friday, September 17, 1999
>Time:   9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
>Location:       Ohio Historical Center
>                1982 Velma Avenue
>                Columbus, OH 43211
>Our topics will draw on two of Mr. Silverman's areas of expertise, disaster
>recovery and nineteenth century publisher's bookbindings.
>Anyone responsible for preserving our cultural heritage--including
>librarians, curators, conservators, and preservation staff--will benefit
>from attending this symposium.  Anyone interested in the history of books
>and book production is sure to be fascinated by the history found in the
>bindings themselves.
>9:00-9:30	Registration
>9:30-11:00	Disaster Recovery, What has it Taught US? Review of disaster
>recovery experiences in Utah, Hawaii, California, and Fort Collins,
>11:00-12:30	Judging the Book by its Cover: A History of Nineteenth Century
>Publishers' Bookbindings.  Publishers' bindings contain clues to the
>evolution of technology, the development of commercial art, and women's
>changing roles in the work place.  Using double slide projection, the
>visually fascinating history of publishers' bindings is explored, including
>the work of notable painters, architects, typographers, and the first women
>involved in graphic design.
>12:30-2:00	Lunch break
>2:00-3:30	Judging the Book by its Cover: The Workshop (90 minute open book
>test).  One of the joys of librarianship, and anyone can do it!  Learn to
>identify historically significant characteristics in publishers'
>bookbindings.  Examining 30-40 books published between 1830-1910, workshop
>participants will experience the thrill of accurately dating publications
>strictly through the observation of physical evidence.
>Registration Deadline:  
>September 9, 1999
>Registration fee:
>$10 per person, OPC members
>$20 per person, nonmembers
>The registration fee includes the cost of a buffet lunch.
>Please send checks payable to "Ohio Preservation Council" with this form to:
>Clara Ireland, Preservation Consultant
>State Library of Ohio
>65 S. Front St.
>Columbus, OH  43215-4163
>Phone:  1-800-686-1533
>The Ohio Historical Center is located just off of I-71 on 17th Avenue (exit
>111), about 4 miles north of downtown Columbus in Franklin County.
>Do you need a map?  ____________
>To guarantee receipt of map, please register by September 1, 1999.

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