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FW: FW: Invitation to a Preservation Forum at ALA Midwinter 2000

Colleagues: I thought this might interest you.  Bob Schnare

Subject: Fwd: FW: Invitation to a Preservation Forum at ALA Midwinter

Good morning, Everyone! I'm forwarding the message below to colleagues who
may be attending the upcoming ALA Mid-Winter Meeting in San Antonio. The
National Library of Education has been engaged in an effort to create more
collaboration and resource sharing among Education libraries nationwide. One
of our activities has been the creation of the National Education Network
which is a cooperative activity between us and several major research
libraries and the private sector. One of the most pressing needs in
Education libraries is preservation of older materials. To that end, we are
sponsoring the Forum described below.

If you are planning to be in San Antonio, I would encourage to attend if at
all possible. If not, perhaps you know of someone on your staff or a
colleague who might be interested in this topic. Please feel free to contact
me if you need more information. Attendance is free and we are hoping for a
good attendance.

I want to wish each of you a Happy Holiday Season and I hope to see you in
San Antonio!



Preservation in the New Millennium:
Saving Dick and Jane with New Technologies
ALA Midwinter 2000 * San Antonio, Texas
Friday, January 14, 2000, Menger Hotel, Renaissance Room

Abstract:  This Forum, sponsored by the National Education Network (NEN) and
the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS), will address
preservation of dispersed and disappearing collections of education
materials by exploring the development of a core list of historical
curriculum materials, identifying issues in the digital preservation and
distribution of print and media materials, and exploring possible solutions
for preserving our education past.

Forum Agenda:

1:00 * 1:15     Welcome and Introduction * Jo Ann Carr, Director, Center for
Instructional Materials and Computing, University of Wisconsin - Madison

1:15 * 2:00     Preservation Issues:  A Historian*s Perspective * Maris A.
Vinovskis, Professor of History, The University of Michigan	
2:00 * 2:30     Preservation Issues:  A Rare Book Collection Holder*s
Perspective * David M. Ment, Head of Special Collections, Milbank Memorial
Library, Teachers College Library, Columbia University	
2:30 * 3:00     Questions and Answers 	
3:00 * 3:15     Break 	
3:15*  3:30     Lessons Learned:  netLibrary 	
3:30 * 3:45     Lessons Learned:  Microsearch 	
3:45 * 4:00     Lessons Learned:  Gale Research 	
4:00 * 5:00     Next Steps * Jo Ann Carr 	

Contact Information:

To help us with the preparation for this meeting, we would appreciate your
contacting us with your intention to attend.

Contact:  Chris Hartley, NEN Forum Coordinator
E-mail:  Chartley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

National Education Network (NEN): Preserving the Education Past, Connecting
the Education Present, Shaping the Education Future

To: "'krussell@xxxxxxxxx'" <krussell@xxxxxxxxx>, "'jheiser@xxxxxxxx'" <jheiser@xxxxxxxx>, "'fbuckley@xxxxxxx'" <fbuckley@xxxxxxx>, "'pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxx'" <pandre@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'johnd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <johnd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'mdex@xxxxxxx'" <mdex@xxxxxxx>, "'JaneK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <JaneK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'suta@xxxxxxx'" <suta@xxxxxxx>, "'ejr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <ejr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'bwillard@xxxxxxxxx'" <bwillard@xxxxxxxxx>, "'lwinkle@xxxxxxxxxx'" <lwinkle@xxxxxxxxxx>, "'egleaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <egleaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'nzussy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <nzussy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'jackson@xxxxxxxxxx'" <jackson@xxxxxxxxxx>, "'jcsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <jcsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'archlib@xxxxxxxxx'" <archlib@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: FW: Invitation to a  Preservation Forum at ALA Midwinter 2000
From: "Dessy, Blane" <Blane_Dessy@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 07:58:17 -0500 
Message-ID: <416C351C579FD211B2B200062B001FF00456C535@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Good morning, Everyone! I'm forwarding the message below to colleagues
may be attending the upcoming ALA Mid-Winter Meeting in San Antonio.
National Library of Education has been engaged in an effort to create
collaboration and resource sharing among Education libraries
nationwide. One
of our activities has been the creation of the National Education
which is a cooperative activity between us and several major research
libraries and the private sector. One of the most pressing needs in
Education libraries is preservation of older materials. To that end,
we are
sponsoring the Forum described below.

If you are planning to be in San Antonio, I would encourage to attend
if at
all possible. If not, perhaps you know of someone on your staff or a
colleague who might be interested in this topic. Please feel free to
me if you need more information. Attendance is free and we are hoping
for a
good attendance.

I want to wish each of you a Happy Holiday Season and I hope to see
you in
San Antonio!



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tague, Linda
> Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 7:57 AM
> To:   Dessy, Blane
> Subject:      Invitation to a  Preservation Forum at ALA Midwinter
> The National Education Network (NEN) and Education and Behavioral
> (EBSS) are sponsoring a Forum at  ALA Midwinter 2000 in San Antonio,
> Texas.  This Forum, Preservation in the New Millennium:  Saving Dick
> Jane with New Technologies, will attempt to develop a national
agenda for
> preserving education materials that are currently widely dispersed
> disappearing.
> We hope that you and your colleagues will plan to attend this
exciting and
> informative forum on Friday, January 14 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
in the
> Renaissance Room of the Menger Hotel.  Our presentators include
Maris A.
> Vinovskis, a historian from the University of Michigan, and David M.
> Head of Special Collections, Teachers College, Columbia University.
> addition, we will have "Lessons Learned" from three technology
> providers: netLibrary, Microsearch, and Gale Research.  The format
> for a dialogue with the audience to share experiences, concerns, and
> for the future.
> Attached is the agenda for the Preservation Forum.  Please join us
> January 14.  Also, please share this information with others
attending ALA
> Midwinter 2000 who are interested in preservation issues.  If you
have any
> questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
>  <<NENF2agenda.doc>>
> Linda Clark Tague
> NEN Staff Coordinator
> National Library of Education
> U.S. Department of Education
> 202-401-6370
> linda_tague@xxxxxx


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