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[PADG:1143] Info from PARS Reformatting (Analog/Digital)

In response to requests that they be posted, here are a few of the items provided for general edification purposes at PARS Reformatting (Analog/Digital) DG on Sunday:

(1) "... the human heart, with its imagination, its curiosity and sensitiveness, cannot be satisfied by bald statements of fact delivered on the printed page as messages are shouted along the telephone."
-Edmund Gosse on "Style" (excerpted from 11th Britannica, in All There Is To Know, edited by Alexander Coleman and Charles Simmons / NY: Simon & Schuster,1994).

(2) "A team of researchers from the University of California will report thay have fabricated the smallest chip ever - a 20-nanometer transistor gate - and the Intel Corporation ... plans to announce that it has scaled a transistor down to just 30 nanometers.  Intel said that its new transistor would be so small that a pile of 30 million ... would measure only  one-inch high.  Such a device will in the next half-decade make it possible to manufacture microprocessors containing more than 400 million transistors, running at 10 gigahertz."
- "Exploring the Microelectronic World" by John Markoff, NY TIMES [electronic version], Dec. 11, 2000.

(3) "... we cannot make more than a single conscious decision within an interval of a few hundreds of milliseconds, the so-called psychological refractory period."
- Giulio Tononi and Gerald Edelman, "Consciousness and Complexity" in SCIENCE (Vol. 282, 4 December 1998), p. 1846.

(4) "Of course, print remains our showcase.  It's friendlier to the eyes, it's easier to navigate, and it doesn't require a startup investment measured in monthly payments.  You can't lay a Website on your coffee table or toss one in your briefcase for the train ride.  Therefore, the magazine will always introduce our best writing and research amidst our prettiest pictures."
- Brian Case, Editor-In-Chief, "You're Going to Want to Hit Us" in AAA WORLD, January/February 2001, p. 5.

- Walter Cybulski
Moderator, PARS Reformatting (Analog/Digital) DG

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