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[PADG:1259] RE: Spanish Language

Hello, Cathy,

You might ask someone at NEDCC if they know of any, as they had their
preservation manual translated into Spanish.  Here's the contact

Northeast Document Conservation Center
Tel: (978) 470-1010
Fax: (978) 475-6021


Rita Dockery

Rita Dockery
Preservation Librarian
British Library of Political and Economic Science
London School of Economics and Political Science
until 9 April 2001:  25 Southampton Bldgs
                              London WC2A 1PH
after 9 April 2001:  10 Portugal St.
		                London WC2A 2HD
+44 020 7955 6909 - phone
+44 020 7955 7454 - fax

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Cathleen Mook [SMTP:cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Thursday, 22 March 2001 21:53
> To:	'padg@xxxxxxx'
> Subject:	[PADG:1258] Spanish Language
> Good afternoon,
> Does anyone know of any Spanish language translations of documents,
> materials, guidelines or standards pertaining to preservation quality
> microfilming?  If you do, please let me know how I might be able to get a
> hold of a copy for use here at UF.
> Thanks,
> Cathy
> Cathleen L. Mook 
> Head, Preservation Department 
> Smathers Library 
> University of Florida 
> Box 117007 
> Gainesville, Fl 32611 
> cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> 352-392-6962 (voice) 
> 352-392-6597 (fax) 

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