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[PADG:1652] SOLINET Workshop Listing - Environmental Control and Monitoring

There are still spaces left in this SOLINET preservation workshop! 
(Please excuse cross-posting):

***************ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND MONITORING*****************

Monday, May 13, 2002 at the Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, LA
from 9am - 4 pm. 

The most cost-effective strategy to preserve our cultural resources is by
controlling temperature, relative humidity, and pollutants. This workshop
will help staff identify the source of problems, monitor the environment,
and develop strategies for affecting change in their institution. It will
include an extensive packet of resource materials, plus exhibits of
state-of-the-art monitoring equipment. Instructor is Dr. Michael Trinkley,
Director of Chicora Foundation. 

Cost for $95 SOLINET members, all membership categories, ($85 early bird,
$120 late registration); $135 Non-SOLINET members ($125 early bird, $160
late registration). Any institution within Louisana qualifies for the member

Partial funding for these workshops has been provided by a grant from the
National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of Preservation and Access.

For more information or to register, contact Vanessa Richardson at
800-999-8558, vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:vanessa_richardson@xxxxxxxxxxx> or visit our website at
www.solinet.net for full descriptions and online registration.

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