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[PADG:1667] Re: Hell or High Water Preconference

Thanks, Karl,


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-padg@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-padg@xxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Drewes,
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:09 AM
To: 'padg@xxxxxxx'
Subject: [PADG:1665] Re: Hell or High Water Preconference

While PARS is not part of the planning there are a number of PARS members
who will be speaking.  Sue Kellerman is the keynote speaker,  I am speaking
on risk management issues and a number of SOLINET staff will be leading
break out sessions.  Insurance issues will also be addressed.  

Jeanne Drewes
Assistant Director for Access & Preservation
Michigan State University Libraries
100 Library Room W-108A
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048

517 432 7486  FAX 517 432 1010

-----Original Message-----
From: Patricia P. Selinger [mailto:pepalmer@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 10:29 AM
To: padg@xxxxxxx
Subject: [PADG:1664] Re: Hell or High Water Preconference

For more informationi on the "Hell or High Water" preconference, please
see http://www.ala.org/alcts/now/hhw.html.  Speakers are listed but not
an agenda.  I understand the speakers will address disaster preparedness
from a management point of view.

This is an ALCTS/LAMA event.  It is not sponsored by PARS.

Patricia Selinger
Chair, PARS Program Planning & Publications

Walter Cybulski wrote:

>  Can the good people who are doing the planning please provide some
> additional information on the "Hell or High Water" preconference?  Is
> there an agenda and a list of presenters?  Thanks. Walter CybulskiNLM

Patricia Palmer Selinger
Head, Preservation Services
VCU Libraries
Richmond, VA
phone: 804.828.1096

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