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[PADG:2056] FW: Curators & Conservators Discussion Group meeting at ALA/ Toro nto

-----Original Message-----
From: Anne M. Lane [mailto:AMLane@xxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 12:20 PM
To: bpaulson@xxxxxxx
Subject: Curators & Conservators Discussion Group meeting at ALA/ Toronto

Caroline Duroselle-Melish, Alvan Bregman, and I would like to invite you to
attend a meeting about the former Curators & Conservators Discussion group
"evolving" into the newly proposed Collection Development and Preservation
Discussion group.

Sunday morning, June 22, 2003; 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Toronto, Delta Chelsea Hotel, in the James room


I. What exactly should the new group be called? ("Collection Development and
Preservation?" "Collection Development and Preservation Management?" Other

II. Input regarding the proposed purpose (which will be presented to the
Executive Committee on Monday morning). As it stands now in draft form:

	Purpose: To serve as an open forum for the exchange of ideas on
collection development and preservation of special collections materials.
Discussion will focus on the current challenges facing collection
development of rare books, but will not exclude issues related to
manuscripts and other primary non-printed materials. The Group will promote
discussion on the interplay of collection development and preservation
management and will be a forum for librarians, curators and conservators to
share experiences. It will encourage and identify seminar proposals for the
Conference Development and Seminars Committees and the publication of
relevant articles in the journal RBM.

III. Ideas for topics to discuss at future meetings, if the new group is
approved by Exec.  

If you are not able to attend the meeting, but have suggestions, please
email as soon as possible to any, or all, of us: cmelish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
abregman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; amlane@xxxxxxxxx Or, feel free to come up and
talk with us about this before the meeting--either at the RBMS Preconference
or the ALA/CLA Conference. 

			Anne Marie

Anne Marie Lane
Faculty Curator of Rare Books
Toppan Library, American Heritage Center
P.O. Box 3924, University of Wyoming 
Laramie, WY  82071 http://www.uwyo.edu/ahc/depts/toppan/toppan.htm

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