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[PADG:2064] ALCTS-AS Program at ALA

Program Title:  Why
Can't Johnnie and Jane Get Published :  Research Basics
Johnnie and Jane are intelligent, hardworking librarians, but they find
the obstacles to getting that first research article published almost
insurmountable.  Fortunately for them, ALCTS is sponsoring a program
that will bring together a team comprised of published authors skilled in
research methods and an experienced journal editor along with a
facilitator who will help guide Jane and Johnnie (us) through the
research process including defining of the research topic, selecting the
appropriate research methodology, and conducting the research to publish
the findings. 
WHERE:  Crowne Plaza Toronto Centre: Ontario/Niagara 
(no. 7 on the hotels map)
WHEN:  Sunday, June 22, 2003: 1:30 - 5:30pm
Program Objectives:
At the end of this program, participants will be able to 
define and refine a research topic 
select and apply an appropriate research methodology 
understand how to conduct the research 
understand how to write up the results of their research for

Don Riggs, Ph.D 
Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian at Nova
Southeastern University
Christian Boissonnas, MLS, MILR 
Trisha Davis, MLS (moderator)
Associate Professor and Head, Serials & Electronic Resources Dept.,
The Ohio State University

This program is designed to maximize interaction between the speakers and
the participants.  Come prepared with your research ideas and
your motivation to get started!  

Presented by the ALCTS Acquisitions Section's Research and
Statistics Committee 
Cosponsored by 
        ALCTS Cataloging and
Classification Section's Policy and Research Committee
        ALCTS Serials Section's
Policy, Research and Publications Committee
For more information, contact Scott
Wicks (sbw2@xxxxxxxxxxx).

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