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[PADG:2318] rationale for reprographics centers

I am very interested in hearing from anyone who has made a decision in recent years to create, continue, or close a microfilming operation based in a research library. For those who have closed a lab, what were your principal reasons? Any regrets? For those who have opened or continued operations in an existing lab, how is the lab funded? Completely dependent on revenue? If subsidized by the library, to what extent?

I am also interested in how others are handling patron-requested photocopies in special collections. Do you have a centralized reprographics service? If so, is it in the preservation department? What roles do staff in special collections play in filling requests?

As you could easily guess, I am reviewing the state and future of our lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I appreciate any comments regarding labs in peer libraries, in as much or little detail as you are able to share.


This message is posted to both PADG-L and MICROLINK-L. I apologize for duplication.

Andrew Hart, Preservation Librarian
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB#3910, Davis Library
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
tel: (919) 962-8047
fax: (919) 962-4450
email: ashart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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