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[PADG:19] Re: annual meeting schedule

We are working with ALCTS to revise the schedule. Changes will appear in the program supplement that you get at conference registration. Once changes are finalized, I will post a schedule of PARS programs/discussion groups on this listserv.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


Roberta Pilette wrote:

I'm not sure how many of you have looked at the annual meeting schedule for PARS. Either I'm looking at things wrong [a distinct possibility] or Sat afternoon has 4 things scheduled at about the same time. Our program, Help I'm damaged..., and then 3 DG all scheduled between 1:30&4. I know this is an on-going problem and scheduling is a huge challenge but it does seem especially problematic to have 3 of 10 DG scheduled at the same time as a program.

Does anyone else see this as a problem?

Bobbie Pilette


Patricia Palmer Selinger
Head, Preservation Department

Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries
Box 842033
901 Park Avenue
Richmond, VA  23284-2033
(ph)   804.828.1096
(fax)  804.828.0151

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