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[PADG:180] "Preservation & Digitization Actions:Terminology for MARC 21 Field 583" Document for Review

Dear Colleague,

We are distributing the attached draft of  "Preservation & Digitization
Actions:Terminology for MARC 21 Field 583"   for final comments.  The
Terminology is a project an ARL, LC, and RLG Task Force.  It has been
reviewed already by the PARS Intellectual Access Committee. Many of the
terms for digital preservation have already been implemented because of
the pressing needs of those doing digital  projects.  

We have already received comments about the subfield "Time of Action"
for completed actions, but intend to continue to  allow the one year's
grace period for completion of the action.
We have also already received comments stating that this data should
more appropriately be stored in Holdings or Item level records.  At the
present time it could be used with the MARC Holdings format, but needs
to be recorded in the bibliographic record to be accessible through most
library systems.
We appreciate your interest and feedback.  We would particularly
welcome more real life examples for the use of each Action.  

After the Terminology is implemented, it will be available on the
Library of Congress MARC website.
The newly formed  Intellectual Access to Preservation Data Interest
Group is planning to present meetings to help publicize and implement
the use of this data at ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston and in future
ALA meetings.

We would like to have comments back by Oct. 1.  Please send comments or
questions to 
Robin Dale  Robin_Dale@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Debra McKern dmck@xxxxxxx 
Carol Unger cung@xxxxxxx 

Thank you.

Carol Unger
Assistant to the Director
Technology Policy Directorate
Library Services
LM 642
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540

Attachment: 583 9-03.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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