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[PADG:320] Re: Microform and Image Review

I'd gladly pay for a reprint of the issue as well. (Could one consider this
a positive argument for the role of digitization in preservation...?)

Alice Carli
Sibley Music Library
27 Gibbs Street
Rochester, NY  14604

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beth Doyle [mailto:b.doyle@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 8:13 AM
> To: padg@xxxxxxx
> Subject: [PADG:319] Re: PADG digest 860
> Cathy (and the list),
> It seems to me that there are many people still interested in 
> getting a
> copy of this issue of Microform Imaging and Review. What 
> would it take, in
> terms of number of orders, to have the issue published again? 
> Perhaps if we
> were able to start a campaign for a second printing we can 
> all get a copy
> without having to worry about copyright. I for one would order a copy.
> Beth
> Beth Doyle, Collections Conservator
> Duke University Libraries
> Campus Box 90189
> Durham, NC 27708-0189
> 919-660-5985
> ----- Message from Cathleen Mook <cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> on 
> Fri, 21 Jan 2005
> 11:36:07 -0500 -----
>       To: "'PADG (E-mail)'" <padg@xxxxxxx>          
>       cc: "'Suzy S Palmer (E-mail)'"                
>           <sspalm01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 
>  Subject: [PADG:318] Microform and Imaging review   
>           Issue                                     
> All,
> <snip>
> Unfortunately, Mrs.. Palmer informs me that the issue is sold 
> out.  She has
> graciously forwarded me, and I have attached here, a MS Word 
> document that
> represents the table of contents from the issue in question.  She has
> electronic copies of each of the articles and is willing to 
> forward copies
> of individual articles out to those requesting them of her.  
> She can be
> reached at sspalm01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you are interested in receiving
> electronic copies of one or two of the articles.  [Due to 
> copyright issues,
> I don't feel it would be appropriate to post all the articles 
> here on PADG.
> ]
> <snip>
> Cathy

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