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[PADG:324] Microform and Imaging Review- Two things

I just wanted to forward some more information on to all of you who expressed an interest in the journal 'Microform and Imaging Review"  (M&IR).  There was a discussion held recently at PADG in snowy Boston based on a series of articles in an issue of the journal.  (ISSN # 0949-5770)  The articles were responses, from authors both domestic and international, to the 2004 ARL White paper "Recognizing Digitization as a Preservation Reformatting Option''.
As mentioned in an earlier email, the issue in question ( v.33:no.4 2004:Fall)  is out of print.  The editor, Suzy Palmer, is in contact with the publisher now to see if there is any chance to getting a second smaller, print run published.  I will let you know, ASAP.
And, for those of you who might be interested in writing an article for the journal (either an original response to the White paper or a response to one of the articles), please take a look at the 2005 author guidelines for the journal, which are attached as an MS Word document.  Suzy ( sspalm01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx )   would be happy to continue the discussions in the journal. 
However, knowing that not everyone has access to the journal, the editor has given her permission to post any articles accepted by M&IR on the PADG list under the following conditions. 
Of course, if you would like to write and post a response to PADG directly, please feel free!!



Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gainesville, FL 32611
(voice) 352-392-6962
(fax) 352-392-6597
(email) cmook@xxxxxxx

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