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[PADG:379] Microform and Imaging review

As you recall, we needed to have 30 confirmed orders for v.33 no. 4 of Microform and Imaging review (published by K.G. Saur) before they would agree to reprint the entire issue.  Although we tried mightily, only 17 orders of the required 30 were confirmed.  A huge thank you to the 15 people/institutions who got in touch with me directly to order a copy.  I appreciate your interest very much.
Suzy Palmer, the journal editor, emailed her contact in Germany, who informed her that 17 is simply not enough interest for them to reprint the issue.  So, sadly, Suzy and I have decided to call it quits.  We will not take any more orders and I will obviously not be able to fill the 17 I did receive.
Again, thanks to those who did show an interest.

Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gainesville, FL 32611
(voice) 352-392-6962
(fax) 352-392-6597
(email) cmook@xxxxxxx

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