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[PADG:573] Fwd: Cold Storage

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Subject: Cold Storage
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 12:15:48 -0400
Thread-Topic: Cold Storage
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From: "D NISHIMURA" <dwnpph@xxxxxxx>
To: "Olivia Primanis" <primanis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

PADG members: I thought that it was time to wade into the cold storage
issue. Unfortunately, RIT has changed my server so the ALA lists don't
recognize me anymore and my efforts to get the situation corrected have
not been successful. However, I asked Olivia for help getting something
to the list.

Many of the ideas we have about the interactions between our library
objects and the environment are based on basics learned from inaccurate
language. We are left with an erroneous picture of what is happening.
One classic example with photographs is the idea that freezer storage
will cause ice crystals to form in the gelatin that breaks up the
gelatin and you'll be left with something resembling a frozen tomato
(mush). Such erroneous images are perpetuated by the language that we
use: "saturation," "the air can't hold any more water," and "moisture"
when we mean the water contained in paper, books, and photographs or
when we mean water vapor. (Yes, even scientists and engineers are

First a little basic chemistry and physics. The water that we deal with
in the cold storage of library materials exists in three phases (but not
quite what you're expecting): vapor (gas), condensed, and possibly
solid. I use the term condensed because it covers more than just liquid
water (which IS a condensed phase.) However the water at equilibrium in
books, magnetic tape, paper, and photographs, while it exists in a
condensed phase, is certainly not a liquid. Condensed is a bit of a
relative term in that ice is also condensed. Only the gas phase is not
condensed. If you put a bunch of water molecules in vapor phase into any
enclosed volume, the vapor phase will fill that volume. If I put a cup
of liquid water into a 1 gallon (empty) milk jug, the liquid water
certainly doesn't fill the gallon jug. In the liquid phase, the water
molecules are loosely bonded together by intra-molecular forces, but not
so strongly that the water molecules can't move around within the
confines of the liquid. The water in library objects is also confined,
but it is loosely attached along surfaces (perhaps of fibers) and this
is why it is a condensed phase, but not liquid. There may be the odd
water molecule stuck to another one here and there, but not enough to
declare that the water is liquid.  The water is adsorbed (spelled with a
"d") to the book, paper, photograph meaning that it is bound along
surfaces. ASHRAE points out in their Fundamentals book that practically
everything adsorbs gases to some degree. Water in books, paper, and
photographs is physisorbed meaning that it is loosely attached by weaker
forces such as van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding. Think of fridge
magnets stuck to the refrigerator door. Chemisorbed molecules are bound
by real chemical bonds that are as permanent and strong as any chemical
bond can be. Think of the fridge magnets being bolted or welded to the
door. If the water was aBsorbed (with a "b"), then it would be bound
within the bulk of the material -- like water in a sponge is held in the
holes throughout the sponge, not just along the surfaces of the holes,
but completely filling the holes (until we squeeze them out.) Liquid
water and our adsorbed water have a number of similar properties. If we
add enough heat to a water molecule in either situation, it can break
free of its bonds and evaporate into a vapor phase molecule. Similarly,
a low enough energy water molecule can be stuck on to either other water
molecules or to the surfaces of our object (condensation.) In addition,
if we confined a puddle of liquid water into a container, the water
vapor content would rise until equilibrium was reached between the
liquid and vapor-phase water molecules. This is the point that people
call "saturation" -- a poorly chosen term because it implies what many
conservators wrongly state: that the air is holding the water. The air
plays no part in the equilibrium. It just happens to be present. If I
evacuated my container completely before adding the liquid water, I
would find the same amount of water vapor present as when I do the
experiment with air present. Air has as much to do with how much water
vapor is present as water does to the number of fish that fit in some
given volume. The water just happens to be present, but the real maximum
number of fish that fit in some volume is strictly a function of the
properties of the fish and have nothing to do with the water. If I did
the same experiment, but put a book from your library into my evacuated
container instead of a puddle of water, I would find an analogous
situation: the water vapor content of the vessel would rise (water vapor
pressure) until it reached some equilibrium point and then would stay
constant. So there is an equilibrium between the condensed phase water
in the book and the water vapor around it.

So what about temperature? Everyone apparently knows that "air holds
more water at higher temperature." Using fundamental thermodynamic
relations, one can derive the relationship between temperature and the
equilibria in any multi-phase system. In general terms, the equation
says that as temperature increases, the equilibrium between either solid
(ice) and water vapor or between condensed-phase water and water vapor,
shifts towards the vapor phase state and the degree depends on the
amount of temperature change and the amount of energy required to break
the bonds. This equation tells us that if we have an equilibrium state
between water vapor and the condensed phase of water (often called the
equilibrium moisture content, although moisture implies that the
condensed phase is wet, which it's not) and the water vapor in a closed
system, and we drop the temperature, the cold object will contain more
water and there will be less water vapor. Wexler and Hyland used the
basic Clapeyron equation (this is the equation derived from fundamental
thermodynamic laws mentioned above) as a starting point to fit an
equation with determined constants for water. Their equations (two are
required: one for liquid/vapor equilibrium and the other for solid/vapor
equilibrium) are used and cited in the ASHRAE Handbooks.

In the real world, our situation is more complicated because liquid
water is all around us in lakes, rivers, and oceans, and therefore, the
humidity in the environment is measured in relation to the equilibrium
point between liquid water and vapor phase water. In addition, anyone
who has watched the ice cubes in their ice cube trays in the freezer
shrink and disappear knows that there is also an equilibrium between the
solid water (ice) and water vapor. This is also why you can hang wet
laundry on a clothesline in winter and it will dry. So RH at
temperatures below 0 C are very real and are important to us even though
the absolute water vapor content is very low even at 100% RH at those
temperatures. (A 10 foot X 10 foot X 10 foot room at 70 F/100% RH
contains 523 grams of water vapor (equal to slightly more than 2 cups of
liquid water). At 0 F / 100% RH, that same room contains 30 grams of
water vapor (equal to about 2 tablespoons of liquid water.))

The practical implications are that if an object is sealed in an
enclosed environment and the object is dropped into the freezer, one
would expect the RH to go up. However, as the object drops in
temperature, it adsorbs water vapor at such a fast rate that a sensor in
the air space around the object would show a small increase in RH
initially and then a drop. One cubic foot of air (roughly 7.5 gallons)
at 70F/50% RH contains roughly 0.26 grams of water. One hundred grams of
paper would only have to increase in equilibrium water content by 0.26%
to remove all of that water. It would never happen because equilibrium
would be reached before that point since the water vapor pressure is
decreasing as the water content of the paper increases. So even with
very large air spaces in a package, the water vapor content is pretty
insignificant. The result is that in most vapor-tight packages, the
book, papers, or photographs are effectively being held at constant
water content so the object behaves at cold temperature as if it was at
equilibrium with a lower relative humidity. Sheet film starting at 68
F/50% RH and put into a 0 F freezer (in a sealed vapor-proof package)
would come to equlibrium in the freezer as if it was was stored at 0 F
and 40% RH. Paper is likely to be more responsive, but I don't have any
numbers handy to use for illustration. Looking at this issue from the
reverse side, you'll see that if an object is at equilibrium in cold
storage with a moderately high relative humidity and it is removed to a
warm room, it will likely be put into a vapor proof package to prevent
condensation formation so the object will warm up moderately quickly,
and will drop its water content fairly rapidly so it will end up
behaving as if it at the warmer temperature and at a higher humidity
than the freezer. This can be a particularly serious problem during the
summer months. Suppose that you had a roll of motion picture film that
was at equilibrium with at 0F freezer at 50% RH. If you take the can out
and drop it into a car in the summer heat, it could get up to 100 F or
more. At 104 F, the film would contain the same amount of water that it
would at 104 F/70% RH and there is a risk of the film sticking together.

What is significant to Chris McAffee's question is that there is nothing magic about 0 F (It happened to be chosen by Daniel Fahrenheit as the zero point of his scale because some concentration of salt water happened to freeze at that temperature. In fact, as far as our books and papers go, even 32 F isn't special in any way since the water contained in our objects, while condensed, doesn't freeze into ice. All that 32 F does is change the strength of the bond that must be broken to release a water molecules (from the liquid or solid phase to gas phase) causing a very tiny hiccup in the equilibrium vapor pressure at 32 F. However, I point out that graphs of water content (in film) versus RH versus temperature don't have discontinuities appearing at 0 C at all. Curves of constant water content very smoothly vary in RH with changing temperature all the way from 60C (140 F) all the way down to 0F.

What may be problems that apply to any low temperature/low RH vault are
A) dehumidification. At higher temperatures, the amount of
dehumidification is limited by the cooling system. In buildings that use
chilled water (more efficient for large spaces such as buildings), the
chilled water can't be colder than its freezing point. One way around it
is to use a mixture of ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) and water and those
systems can be colder. However, if a heat exchanger containing the
water-glycol mixture runs into a moderately high humidity or
temperature, then it will ice up (and the ice will tend to insulate the
heat exchanger from doing its job.) DX systems work like your
refrigerator, freezer, or home air conditioner. Here a gas is compressed
to form a liquid and is pumped to the heat exchanger where the liquid is
allowed to evaporate back into a gas. The compressor gets hot and needs
to get rid of that heat because work is done to compress the gas. (Your
bicycle pump gets hot for the same reason.) An equal amount of heat
energy is required in order for the liquid to evaporate into a gas. (In
the same way, a steam burn is worse than a liquid water burn because
there is extra heat generated by the steam condensing into liquid water
on your skin. However, as water evaporates off our skin, we are cooled
by the energy required to convert the liquid to gas.) In the DX systems
(Direct Xpansion -- no one ever said that HVAC engineers could spell),
if the heat exchanger gets too cold and there is too much water around,
then they also ice up and more or less stop functioning. So to get
either very low humidities or lower humidity at colder temperatures,
desiccant bed dehumidifiers are required. These tend to use adsorbants
such as silica gel in a rotating wheel. In one area, air to be
dehumidified is blown through a column of desiccated silica gel. The
silica gel behaves like our book, papers, or photographs so that if
left, the silica gel will eventualy form an equilibrium between the
adsorbed water and the water vapor content (in the air stream) so the
silica gel needs to be constantly redesiccated. So the wheel rotates
bringing the column of silica gel around to an oven area that heats the
silica gel while an air stream carries away the water liberated from the
silica gel. You'll remember that as temperature goes up, the equilibrium
between the adsorbed water and water vapor heads towards greater water
vapor and the water content of the silica gel goes down. Once the silica
gel has been dried out, it continues the rotation until it's in position
to dry the air again. (A large diameter wheel is used that turns slowly
with many columns of silica gel so the wheel can turn continuously
rather than stopping and starting. The areas where air is dried and the
silica gel is dried are large enough that the silica gel can be well
dried and well humidified.) Desiccant bed dehumidifiers are more
expensive than coolant desiccation systems and have the added cost that
the silica gel needs to be replaced periodically.

B) Kinetics laws tell us that the diffusion rate of gases through a leak
in the vault is proportional to the gradient (the difference in water
vapor pressure between both sides of the leak). In general, the colder
or drier the vault is, the lower the absolute water vapor content on the
inside and therefore, the higher the gradient is between the two sides
and the faster the leakage rate is. With a little algebra applied to the
diffusion equation, we find that the proportionate difference is
constant and there is no dependence on absolute quantities of water
inside and out. In my example for Chris I proposed an outside
environment (based on Salt Lake City one morning) of 70 F/ 53% RH and
two vaults with identical leaks. One vault is trying to hold -4 F/35% RH
and the other is trying to hold 25F/ 35% RH. The leak is big enough that
in some given time, t, each vault comes 1% of the way to equilibrium
with the outside air. In that given time, t, the colder vault will be at
47.64% RH and will have leaked 2.66 milligrams more water (per pound of
dry air leakage) than the warmer vault which will now be at 37.7% RH.
While the absolute numbers look extremely small, the total amount of
water vapour in the vault will also be quite small. (Ten cubic feet of
air at -4F/35% RH contains only about 88 milligrams of water total.)
Therefore small changes in the absolute amount of water vapor in the
vault can result in significant changes in RH. Anyway, as the kinetics
laws say, we had a faster leak with the colder temperature (and
therefore a higher gradient) (assuming that all other things remain
equal.) Water molecules are quite small and any hole bigger than about
0.4 nanometers should be large enough to let water vapor leak into the
vault. That's a pretty small hole so you can see how difficult it is to
build a vault wall with no water vapor leaks. So one thing that can help
is to make sure that as many vault walls (including floor and ceiling)
as possible are backed by the lowest humidity environments possible.
This is why many vaults are built inside air conditioned buildings
rather than left free standing. The building is going to be air
conditioned anyway and the only cost that the vault adds to that air
conditioning cost is initial cooling and drying of the air in the vault
and dehumidification and cooling for heat and water vapor leakage.
Usually these costs are lower than working with a free-standing vault.
Notice that the temperature and water vapor gradient across the outside
building walls and across the cold vault walls have been minimized.

One problem with fast leaks is that you get ice developing if your drier
can get rid of the water as fast as it's coming in (although there will
be a high concentration of water vapor at the leak point and a tendency
to form frost, the dry air could allow the frost to evaporate as fast or
faster than it's formed.) This was the problem that the Royal Historic
New Orleans collection had with its cold vault many years ago. They had
an ice ball that formed and grew on the wall and they couldn't get the
leak sealed. Heat exchange laws say the same thing about the rate of
heat exchange: the higher the gradient, the faster the heat flow.
Fourier expressed it as heat exchange while Newton expressed it as
temperature change. Down at the molecular level, they amount to the same
thing. (Although, heat and temperature are not necessarily directly
related unless we're talking about the same system.) Heat can be
exchanged by conduction or radiation and if the object is surrounded by
a fluid (chemical engineers consider gases to be fluids), then
convection increases the effeciency of heat exchange by conduction and
radiation. As a result, it is extremely difficult to produce a perfectly
insulated wall. My materials science book points out that what we use as
insulators are simply poor conductors, not absolutely non-conductors. So
for a cold vault, it is best if it is surrounded by as cold of an
environment as possible. This is one reason why very cold vaults tend to
be accessible only through ante rooms with door interlocks that don't
allow you to open the inside door unless the outside door is closed. The
ante room provides a colder and drier environment than the outside when
the inside door is opened, therefore reducing the rate of water leakage
into the vault and reducing the amount of heat brought into the vault
when access is required. In situations such as the planned nitrate
storage vault at the National Archives of Canada, the vault was divided
into smaller mini-vaults in order to minimize loss if a fire happened to
break out. However, from an engineering point of view, as long as the
walls were thick enough to contain the fire and fairly well insulated,
energy losses through both water and heat leakages through the walls
could be minimized by maximizing the number of common walls between
vaults. If both sides of the wall are trying to hold the same
environment, then the gradient is very close to  zero and you've reduced
the leakage rate to virtually zero.

So there's nothing specifically special about either 0 F or (for the
objects), 32 F. The laws governing the temperature dependence of vault
issues either arising from gradients or thermodynamics simply get
progressively worse as temperature goes down. A large leak in the vault
may result in ice at sub-zero Celsius temperatures, but is the ice any
worse than forming a drip that runs down the wall and results in a
puddle (for a cold, but above 0 C vault)? Single items will come to
equilibrium much faster than masses of material so a single sheet of
paper in a moderately vapor-proof enclosure will cycle in temperature
and water content faster than a stack of sheets in a similar enclosure.
Chemical deterioration won't be exaggerated by cycling, but it could be
a concern because of mechanical changes, especially for laminated
materials. Freezer burn is an interesting question, but I'm not so sure
that it will be a big problem. Consider 100 grams of sheet film
(measured at 70F/50% RH) in paper envelopes in a vapor proof enclosure
that is moderately large. I ran a profile on a freezer in a UK
institution so their numbers are handy. The freezer ran at -20.9 C (-5.6
F) normally. For 4.5 hours every 20 hours, the freezer rose to -8.8 C
(16.16 F) during the defrost cycle. The film is normally being held at
-20.9 C and 35% RH. The film will reach equilibrium effectively in less
than an hour during which time it is losing about 0.25% of its dry mass
in water. Given no constraints, the film would lose 0.24 grams of water
when it warms up to -8.8 C.  However, as the RH rises in the air space
around the film, the film and the water vapor will come to  equlibrium
before frost forms (before 100% RH is exceeded). Assuming that the air
space in the container is roughtly 500 mL or half a liter (about 30
cubic inches) at -20C/35% RH, the air space contains about 0.0002 grams
of water vapor.  As the film rises in temperature, it releases water as
vapor, coming to equilibrium after losing approximately 0.00038 grams of
water and coming to equilibrium at approximately 40% RH and -8.8C. The
freezer drops back to -20.9 C and approximately 0.00038 grams of frost
forms. The outside container gets cold first so the frost should form on
the inside surface of the outside container first. The RH in the
container is at 40%, but as the film cools back down, it adsorbs water
vapor very rapidly. Given the opportunity, the film would pull the
0.00038 grams of water that it lost during the warm-up phase back into
the film, but there is only 0.000068 grams (total) available as water
vapor immediately. If the frost evaporates quickly as the air dries out,
then the film should return back to its original condition and freezer
burn isn't a problem. If the frost evaporates slowly, then the film will
come to some equilibrium at about 33% RH and then will slowly adsorb
water (by diffusion) as the frost evaporates.  Diffusion will be quite
slow potentially taking almost 200 days to reach equilibrium. Of course,
in this time, the film will have gone through additional defrost cycles,
further reducing the water content. (This process is unfortunately
easier to show on graphs than to describe in words so take my word for
it.) However, during the next cycle, the film is closer to its
equilibrium point so it will lose less water and, to make things even
more complicated, the equilibrium vapor pressure of whatever frosts
remains should increase (following the same law that governs the film).
At some point the rise in vapor pressure from the frost should stop the
film from losing any more water vapor. However, if the frost is very
slow to evaporate, then the film will continue to loss water at a slower
and slower rate. While there are a number of possible reasons why
freezer burn stop, it doesn't hurt to recommend that containers be
selected to match the volume of their contents fairly well.

The difference between the situation with paper and photographs and food
in the freezer is that  you wouldn't want to eat most foods at their
equilibrium water content. Lean beef and chicken, for example, are
roughly 75% water by mass, whereas their equilibrium water content is
probably closer to 10% or 15% water by mass so the meat at equlibrium in
a moderately high humidity environment would have 80% to 87% loss of
water. As a result, vegetables and meat frozen in big bags tend to be
filled with frost because there is so much more water present than the
equilibrium water content of the food. One pound of lean steak contains
roughly 340 grams of water (while a pound of film at 0 F/60% RH contains
only  about 17 grams of water.) Fruits and vegetables are  similarly
high in water content typically. (Red Delicous apples are roughly 85%
water and bananas are roughly 76% water, for example.)

In summary:

The problems associated with engineering a temperature and humidity
controlled vault are almost always present no matter what conditions are
chosen. However, the severity of the problems tend to increase as the
vault temperature and RH decrease. In general, the construction and
operating costs required to fight these problems increase significantly
as the desired temperature and RH in the vault goes down.


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