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[PADG:802] Reformatting Discussion Group Announcement

Discussion Announcement for ALCTS/PARS – ALA Mid-Winter Conference, San Antonio, Texas – January 2006

Too many decisions, too many possibilities: what gets to be reformatted and why, and what happens to the original media.

The ALA Mid-Winter Meeting for the PARS Reformatting Discussion Group will be held at the Menger Hotel in Ballroom C meeting room on Saturday, January 21st from 1.30 – 3.30 p.m.

The Reformatting Discussion Group has invited professionals with expertise on the storage of particular media. They will be discussing different strategies for the reformatting and storage of the media they are most responsible for and they will also address whether they are relying on the digital or analog copy for the master preservation copy. Standards for storage will also be incorporated into the discussion where appropriate. The panelists will discuss how their unique media is reformatted and under what circumstances does demand dictate when to reformat from the original to another media. Different perspectives will be presented that give unique insights in how reformatting is undertaken for complex or fragile print materials, and electronic formats.

This panel will discuss a variety of issues concerning standards, storage and the reformatting of different media and what kinds of decisions are undertaken for the preservation of hybrid formats as well as determining what is still the original.

The panel will feature:

Perspective on Microfilm
Walter Cybulski
Preservation & Collection Management Section
National Library of Medicine

Perspective on Audio
Kathleen (Katie) McCormick
Reference Archivist &
Coordinator for the Oral History Program
Special Collections Dept., J. Murrey Atkins Library
UNC - Charlotte

Perspective on Video
Carlton L. Jackson
Librarian, Non-Print Media Services
University of Maryland

Perspective on Maps
Patrick McGlamery
Information & Technology Services Area Head
University of Connecticut

Perspective on Rare Books
Martin R. Kalfatovic
Head, New Media Office and
      Preservation Services Department
Smithsonian Institution Libraries

Jean Ann Croft					
Preservation Department
University of Pittsburgh
Tel:  412 244-7522
Email:  jeanann@xxxxxxxx

Atalanta Grant-Suttie
ATLIS Preservation Contract
National Library of Medicine
Tel:  301 496-8015
Email: (home) pinewood@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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