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[PADG:808] FW: [ALCTSLEADERS:1171] ALCTS Committee Appointments

FYI, Joan

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-alctsleaders@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-alctsleaders@xxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Bruce C Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 10:07 AM
To: ALCTS Division Leaders
Subject: [ALCTSLEADERS:1171] ALCTS Committee Appointments

Fellow ALCTS members:

   I would like to remind ALCTS members that if you are hoping to receive an
appointment next year you should fill out the Committee Volunteer Form on
the ALCTS website.  To get there, go to the ALCTS website
<www.ala.org/alcts/>, click the link on "Volunteer for a Committee", and on
the bottom of the resulting page, click the link on "Volunteer Form".
Alternatively you can go directly to the Committee Volunteer Form by
pointing your browser at
Although the appointing officers (the Section Vice Chairs and I) know many
of you, it will help us know where your interests lie, and what skills you
bring to your ALCTS participation.

   If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved in ALCTS,
you should plan on attending the ALCTS Volunteer Forum in San Antonio.  The
forum will take place on Saturday, January 21, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in
Salon E/F of the Marriott Riverwalk.  You will discover the ins and outs of
the committee appointment process and hear firsthand from the division
appointing officers about opportunities throughout the organization.
Speakers include the ALCTS President Rosann V. Bazirjian and President-Elect
Bruce Johnson, as well as Chairs-Elect of the Acquisitions, Cataloging and
Classification, Collection Management and Development, Preservation and
Reformatting, and Serials Sections and the Council of Regional Groups. 

   Thanks so much for your involvement in ALCTS.


Bruce Chr. Johnson
President-Elect, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
a division of the American Library Association 


Library of Congress
Cataloging Distribution Service
Washington, DC 20540-4911 USA

202-707-1652 (voice)  bjoh@xxxxxxx
202-707-3959 (fax)

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