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[PADG:861] Re: color laser printers


The Wilhelm Institute ( http://www.wilhelm-research.com/) does a great deal of research in image preservation. You might check there for information on ink stability from color printers. I know there is information on an Epson Color printer - there might be more, or you could write them and ask.

Good luck!

At 05:28 PM 2/13/2006, you wrote:
Our Acquisitions Department is exploring using a color laser printer (Xerox Phaser 6250) to print bookplates for some materials in general collections. I am interested in observations -- formal or anecdotal -- that anyone can share about permanence for color laser prints. For the this use, I'm particularly interested in potential transfer to facing pages, dark fading, and color stability. Any advice, comments or citations for relevant literature will be appreciated.

Tara D. Kennedy
Preservation Field Services Librarian
Yale University Libraries
130 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511
(203) 432-4335
"let me help you help your library"

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